MLM secrets they don’t say: You can’t rely on friends and family to build a business! (you have to do this instead) 🤫

Alpha Lim, Alphiliate Marketer
The Biblepreneur
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2024


When I first joined network marketing, they told me “you don’t need to sell. You only need to talk to your friends and family.”

Well, I quickly found out that was a lie. Because that’s what the uplines SAY, but that’s not what the top performing uplines DO.

Because your friends and family are a limited market. And if you’re actively marketing to them, it’s a SHRINKING market as well. You know what I mean? 😜

Another problem is, if your success depends on how many people you can help, then marketing to a limited, shrinking market is working against your success.

What to do, then?

Watch what the top producers DO and not what they SAY. Then DO as they DO.

Take LiveGood, for example. LiveGood is a company that I’ve been seeing everywhere in my internet marketing work for the past several months. And who’s the top recruiter in LiveGood? Jeffrey Aman, as you can see on the leaderboard (I so happen to be on his team):

And how did Jeff become number one? Not by trying to recruit friends and family, but by using an effective SYSTEM. (If he only ever talked to friends and family, I would never have heard of him, as a stranger halfway around the world.) The system he uses is called the Easy Commission Funnel, and you can see it in action at this link:

