What Happens When You Shine a Light on a Shadow?
Tomorrow’s Halloween, and I’m thinking of shadows, darkness and things that go bump in the night (ghosts and ghouls, not people bumping uglies).
Specifically, I’m thinking about deep-seated fears and emotions like anger, frustration, disappointment. These are dark things, hidden things. Things we like to keep away from the light of day because they’re unpleasant to witness. They’re ugly. We want to put our best foot forward and present our best face.
If you’re a fan of Freud, however, you’ll probably be familiar with delving into your deep, dark psyche.
But other schools of thought avoid it and try to focus on positivity, light, kittens and puppies. Which is all well and good.
Except when it isn’t.
Having a positive focus on life is a good thing, except when the darkness really is too much. Trying to pretend I’m happy when I’m really ready to kick someone in the face may not be the best coping strategy.
What to do, then?
How about, instead of trying to ignore the darkness, shine a light on it? After all, what happens when you shine a light on a shadow?
Right, it disappears.
There’s a kind of obsession with darkness that makes it grow darker. But there’s a kind of bold embracing of the darkness that makes it disappear.
Instead of trying to be happy, how about acknowledging that you’d like to kick that person in the teeth?
Suddenly, the idea seems absurd, humorous. The shadow has lost its power and the rage is gone.
This Halloween, open the door when your shadows come knocking. Show them some light from inside and see what happens.
#FUELGOODCHURCH #spirituality #psychology #shadowwork #trickortreat #Halloween #subconscious